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Our goals

In Zanzibar, we are dedicated to three key goals: reducing ​plastic waste, environmental education, and women's ​empowerment. These objectives are crucial for the island's ​sustainable development. Plastic pollution threatens the ​unique marine environment, environmental education ​fosters awareness of ecological sustainability, and women's ​empowerment strengthens the community, contributing to ​social justice. Challenges include raising awareness about ​environmental issues, creating opportunities for women, and ​implementing sustainable practices. Together, we can work ​towards making Zanzibar a sustainable and equitable place ​for current and future generations.

Plant a Palmtree

Planting palms has several positive effects on the environment. Firstly, they ​contribute to biodiversity conservation by creating habitats for various plant ​and animal species. Secondly, they play a crucial role in the carbon cycle by ​absorbing CO2 and producing oxygen, thus improving air quality. Thirdly, ​palms can help prevent erosion and stabilize soil, as their root systems assist ​in retaining water and protecting soil structure.

The women's group gains financial autonomy through the sale of palms, ​experiencing not just economic success but also sustainable empowerment. ​The generated income provides the women with financial independence, ​promotes self-determination, and enables active participation in economic ​processes. The sale of palms serves as more than just a means of income; it ​becomes an instrument for the sustainable empowerment of women within ​their community.

The women's group is involved in not only selling palms but also cultivating ​and selling vegetables. In addition to agricultural produce, they create ​sustainable products such as soap and shampoo from various crops. These ​diverse activities not only provide a varied source of income but also ​promote sustainable development. The women utilize their agricultural ​knowledge not just for selling raw products but also for crafting ​environmentally friendly goods, enhancing not only their economic stability ​but also strengthening their community.

Beach Cleanup

Regular beach cleanups have a positive impact on the ​environment by helping to reduce ocean pollution and protect ​the marine ecosystem. Removing debris, especially plastic waste, ​through beach cleanups contributes to preserving biodiversity ​by safeguarding habitats for marine life. Furthermore, these ​initiatives raise awareness within communities about ​environmental issues, promoting eco-conscious behavior and ​fostering long-term changes in waste management practices.

Over the past year, the participation in beach cleanups has ​significantly increased, with a notable involvement from schools, ​kindergartens, hotels, and restaurants. This surge in community ​engagement has fostered a strong sense of togetherness. The ​collective efforts of diverse groups working towards a cleaner ​environment have not only contributed to a more pristine ​coastline but have also cultivated a powerful sense of ​community spirit.


Kiziwater is a project that filters water, offering not just clean ​drinking water but also establishing a source of income through ​sales. The refill system helps decrease the use of single-us ​bottles. Kiziwater originates from a natural groundwater source ​and undergoes filtration without the use of electricity or ​chemicals, employing a certified nanofilter.

This sustainable water source not only ensures purity but also ​reflects an environmentally conscious approach. Moreover, the ​sale of Kiziwater serves as a source of income for women, ​contributing to their financial empowerment. It represents a ​holistic initiative that combines ecological responsibility with ​economic opportunities for the community.


Nestled in an idyllic setting, we operate a charming guesthouse in ​Kizimkazi with an inviting atmosphere that attracts visitors.

Kiziparadise Guesthouse offers a tranquil setting with a garden ​showcasing tropical plants and fruits. Just minutes from the beach, it ​provides a unique opportunity for visitors to explore life in Kizimkazi ​away from mainstream tourism. Kizimkazi, a small fishing village, ​captivates with its simplicity and authenticity, allowing guests to ​experience the genuine charm of local life. The guesthouse's serene ​location, combined with the chance to discover tropical flora and the ​village's unspoiled character, creates an ideal retreat for those seeking ​an authentic and peaceful getaway.

However, the proceeds from our guesthouse operations serve a higher ​purpose:

Funding our projects. Each stay in our little oasis Kiziparadise directly ​contributes to supporting social, environmental, or educational ​initiatives, providing our guests with the opportunity to not only enjoy a ​relaxing vacation but also contribute to positive change.

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Explore Zanzibar's environmental challenges and contribute through Green Zanzibar's volunteer ​program.

Experience the beauty of making a difference in coastal cleanup and sustainable initiatives.

Our NGO actively fights plastic pollution, offering a unique opportunity to be part of the solution.

Join us in our commitment to conscious resource consumption and environmental protection. As ​part of our sustainable vision, consider applying for our volunteer program and immerse yourself ​in the stunning landscapes and impactful initiatives.

Be part of the change—apply now and contribute to a greener, more vibrant Zanzibar!

Are you ready to join our volunteer program in Zanzibar?

Just shoot us a quick email to receive all the details. Let's plan the next steps ​together and take a significant stride towards making your dream of an unforgettable ​time in Zanzibar a reality.

What are you waiting for? Contact us now!

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